Posts within the Tutorials category

Featured image for "Writing your own Gatsby plugin"

Writing your own Gatsby plugin

So far, I've written several tutorials about using Gatsby. What they have in common, is that they all depend on certain Gatsby plugins. In this tutorial, I'll explore the options you have when creating your own Gatsby plugin.

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Featured image for "Adding syntax highlighting with WordPress and Gatsby"

Adding syntax highlighting with WordPress and Gatsby

For Markdown, there are plugins to add syntax highlighting to your Gatsbby website. In this tutorial we'll explore the alternatives for adding syntax highlighting through WordPress.

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Featured image for "Optimize loading images with WordPress and Gatsby"

Optimize loading images with WordPress and Gatsby

Displaying embedded images within WordPress posts using Gatsby is officially unsupported, but in this tutorial we'll explore alternatives.

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Featured image for "Adding reading time with Gatsby"

Adding reading time with Gatsby

Popular online blogging platforms like Medium add an estimated reading time to each post. In this tutorial we'll achieve the same thing by using Gatsby.

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Featured image for "Working with Gatsby and pagination"

Working with Gatsby and pagination

Gatsby is an awesome static site generator, and in this tutorial I'll look at how to implement pagination using Gatsby.

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Featured image for "Creating pages with Gatsby"

Creating pages with Gatsby

Gatsby has a large set of APIs, and one of them is to programmatically create new pages. In this tutorial we'll use this API to create detail pages for each blogpost.

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Featured image for "Difference between Mono and Flux"

Difference between Mono and Flux

Project Reactor introduced us two specific types of publishers, being Mono and Flux. In this tutorial we'll see what they mean and what we can use them for.

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Featured image for "Using Gatsby with WordPress as a headless CMS"

Using Gatsby with WordPress as a headless CMS

If you want to use WordPress as a headless CMS with Gatsby, I'll demonstrate how you can achieve this in this tutorial.

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Featured image for "Writing dynamic queries with Spring Data JPA"

Writing dynamic queries with Spring Data JPA

With Spring Data, we can easily write queries usinng @Query. For more dynamic queries, we can use the Example and Specification API, which we'll explore here.

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Featured image for "Loading initial data with Spring"

Loading initial data with Spring

With Spring, you can set up your initial data in different ways. In this tutorial we'll discover database migration tools, and other options.

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