Posts within the Tutorials category

Featured image for "Using the Netflix stack with Spring boot: Zuul"

Using the Netflix stack with Spring boot: Zuul

Spring boot has several integrations available for Netflix components such as Zuul. In this tutorial I'll demonstrate how Zuul can be used to handle several cross-cutting concerns on a network-based level, such as CORS headers and handling multipart requests.

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Featured image for "Securing Spring boot applications with JWT"

Securing Spring boot applications with JWT

JWT is a popular type of token. In this tutorial I'll show you how to integrate a JWT authentication mechanism with Spring, and within a microservice oriented architecture.

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Featured image for "Getting started with Spring boot 2.0"

Getting started with Spring boot 2.0

Explore the new reactive features of Spring boot 2.0 and Spring 5 with me by writing a web crawler using Webflux and reactive MongoDB.

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Featured image for "Configuration as a microservice"

Configuration as a microservice

Decentralized configuration on the filesystem has its flawed. But what if you could provide configuration as a microservice with Git?

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Featured image for "Using the Netflix stack with Spring boot: Hystrix"

Using the Netflix stack with Spring boot: Hystrix

What happens when something fails in an application and it keeps failing? In this article I'll show you how you can have more control using Hystrix.

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Featured image for "Showing a loader with Angular 2"

Showing a loader with Angular 2

With Angular 2, we can change the default Loading... message to something else. In this article I will show you how to change it into a wonderful pokéball.

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Featured image for "Animating with Angular 2"

Animating with Angular 2

Just like AngularJS, Angular 2 has a mechanism for applying animations to your application. During this article we'll look into the animation API.

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Featured image for "Implementing your own pipes with Angular 2"

Implementing your own pipes with Angular 2

Pipes are one of the key features of Angular 2 and they are the successor to AngularJS' filters. In this article I'll write my own pipes with Angular 2.

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Featured image for "Changing your page title when a route changes with Angular 2"

Changing your page title when a route changes with Angular 2

Routing is an important concept with modern webapps. In this article I will show you how to dynamically change your title based on a route with Angular 2.

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Featured image for "Using routing with Angular 2"

Using routing with Angular 2

Single page webapps are the future, and to achieve that, routing is a commonly used pattern. In this article I will show how to use routing with Angular.

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