Posts within the Tutorials category

Featured image for "AngularJS $http and dates"

AngularJS $http and dates

while Date objects are a part of the standard JavaScript specs, it's not a part of the JSON spec. In this tutorial we'll explain how to properly consume dates from your REST API with AngularJS.

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Featured image for "E2E testing AngularJS applications with Protractor"

E2E testing AngularJS applications with Protractor

In this tutorial we'll go into detail about end to end testing (E2E) with AngularJS and Protractor

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Featured image for "Using Sinon.js while testing AngularJS applications"

Using Sinon.js while testing AngularJS applications

With Sinon.js you can easily set up stubs and spies. This can be a real benefit when testing AngularJS apps because of all the different components.

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Featured image for "Setting up AngularJS applications with Yeoman"

Setting up AngularJS applications with Yeoman

In this article I will write a small AngularJS application and use Yeoman to set it all up.

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Featured image for "E2E testing your Meteor app with Cucumber, WebdriverIO and Chai"

E2E testing your Meteor app with Cucumber, WebdriverIO and Chai

E2E testing your Meteor app is quite easy with Velocity. In this article I will be using WebdriverIO, Cucumber.js and Chai to completely test my app.

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Featured image for "Unit testing Meteor applications with Velocity, Jasmine and Sinon.js"

Unit testing Meteor applications with Velocity, Jasmine and Sinon.js

In this article I will demonstrate how to unit test the client part of Meteor applications with Velocity, Jasmine and Sinon.js.

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Featured image for "Writing a chat application with Meteor"

Writing a chat application with Meteor

In this example I'll show you how easily you can create applications using Meteor by demonstrating how to write a chat application in less than 100 lines.

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Featured image for "Creating a Slack bot with Bluemix, Node-RED and Watson"

Creating a Slack bot with Bluemix, Node-RED and Watson

Bluemix, IBM's cloud platform brings the awesome stuff like Watson really close to you. Combine it with Node-RED and Slack and you can create a cool bot.

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Featured image for "Securing your REST API with Spring Security"

Securing your REST API with Spring Security

In this tutorial I'm going to write a small REST API with Spring Boot and Spring Web MVC. Securing the application will be done with Spring Security.

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Featured image for "Testing modern web applications"

Testing modern web applications

There are a lot of aspects that have to be covered while testing modern web applications. In this tutorial series I would like to talk about these aspects.

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